WordBrain Minotaur Level - 10

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Minotaur pack Minotaur Level - 10

s c t r e a t s
r s h c e i y e
g a r e a o o r
e l l r e v p p
n a a t d i s e
a e x t n a e l
d r r e s s m o
n u o r u t m c

The answer / solution is Treaty, Surround, Disaster, Series, Coverage, Comment, External, Appeal, Scholar

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Hidden words:
charge, crash, treat, tree, three, the, there, threat, reach, react, eat, tie, set, stay, rare, she, sheet, shelter, shell, share, shall, sale, salt, hear, heart, her, here, hell, hall, cell, car, care, career, cart, card, create, each, ear, earl, yes, yet, gas, gene, gear, glass, grass, area, all, alter, age, relate, relax, era, acre, act, art, over, overall, oar, rope, rest, east, lane, latter, late, later, lean, leg, legal, least, last, large, leave, red, rat, rate, race, via, video, pop, pope, poet, poor, pie, pine, provide, provider, prove, next, near, attend, attract, tax, tall, tale, trace, tea, teach, teacher, tear, disease, die, diet, dear, deer, isle, idea, install, see, seem, sea, sleep, side, sin, spin, same, sand, sad, else, arrest, around, extend, extent, extra, error, earn, test, text, ten, tend, tent, trend, name, nest, net, assure, assert, asset, and, aid, aide, advise, asleep, aside, ease, lead, leader, lease, less, dare, deal, dealer, run, round, read, real, rent, estate, end, enter, sure, sue, settle, sense, send, state, star, stare, start, measure, mean, mess, mast, mass, man, main, mad, master, under, our, order, use, user, come, command, commander, sir, scar, scared, scope, seed, sell, have, hard, cover, cop, cope, chart, ice, recover, rice, rise, voice, price, instead, team, eastern, reader, stern, steam, heaven, oven, learn, van, pet, pan, panel, pant, approve, teen, tenant, tap, tape, let, meat, meet, moment, choose, chase, shop, shape, save, soap, several, seven, hope, ever, even, event, average, oppose, pose, never, chapter, appear, opera, operate, lantern, pear, per, peas, paper, mental, meter, lap, lapel, pale, solar

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

srgen, 17 Ca, gisme, exit%, piece, 70%25, niceh, 1118 , aaron, -9052, googl, halea, onnga, 500hz, рупаф, Msn, c+raf, work+, нешън, je+vo

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