WordBrain Minotaur Level - 11

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Minotaur pack Minotaur Level - 11

a t n i v i e r
l i d e e r s p
a s r v a c y a
t d i i t i t f
a t r t t i u m
n i i r p e m s
o l c s o t a p
n o o b j e r m

The answer / solution is Position, Summit, Object, Normal, Pretty, Activist, Arrive, Afraid, Presidential

Click on the word to view its position.

Hidden words:
aid, aide, air, tide, tire, tired, tin, tail, never, near, nerve, idea, verse, very, era, list, line, last, lad, deer, dear, dentist, derive, drive, driver, distant, diverse, die, ever, every, eat, ear, end, even, event, react, rise, river, race, rat, say, serve, server, sir, scar, screen, pay, per, perceive, aside, sit, sad, salt, sail, side, sin, slide, station, stair, rid, ride, red, rent, vary, via, visit, act, acre, active, aerial, arise, city, cite, cat, car, care, career, cry, creative, dirt, data, item, tie, time, tip, ice, type, tap, tape, fat, tea, tear, team, nation, native, nail, rope, pet, pear, peas, pot, poet, positive, port, poem, pie, pit, pity, map, mate, meter, meat, smart, sum, suit, sue, same, oil, lion, cool, crop, sort, silo, soon, spot, sport, term, toe, top, arm, art, part, jet, job, rate, star, start, dart, artist, raid, treat, retire, merit, summer, cream, create, crime, critic, after, area, rare, rice, real, earl, lap, lamp, nor, norm, oar, nest, repair, desire, dad, ease, save, pair, see, severe, send, rest, cap, case, fit, fact, fair, far, read, dare, resident, deep, speed, seed, present, president

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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pdf c, how f, scrap, 전국무쌍+, pdf j, nzok, par+d, как+и, usb+c, Pru&a, travi, -8524, how t, 张梓琪母女, 05+1+, 직장+내+, binom, Recog, is is, last+

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