WordBrain Flamingo Level - 8

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Flamingo pack Flamingo Level - 8

c i l l o r g h
a m e b y l e t
c y o n t n p u
e p g i r h s p
h h o r e g f w
n a c a b i p a
i c i k n c a y
s m t i r c s t

The answer / solution is Fighting, Branch, Problem, Supply, Weapon, Energy, Catholic, Haystack, Criticism

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Hidden words:
ill, lemon, lie, reply, rely, rent, role, roll, get, gently, glory, help, her, hero, hen, among, aim, month, money, may, mail, mill, mile, entire, eye, bell, bone, boy, bolt, let, leg, lens, ten, tent, the, then, yell, one, their, tire, tie, tin, tiny, net, put, push, pet, per, pen, plenty, upper, porch, point, poem, grab, reign, reach, ring, hear, hearing, she, super, sue, hope, oak, oar, rank, rock, rope, eight, era, each, ear, earring, gear, fiber, fig, fight, fin, way, acre, act, cab, cabin, can, car, care, core, cop, cope, copy, coin, chain, crab, crop, big, ban, bank, back, bar, begin, being, bean, beach, bear, break, breach, bring, pay, past, pain, pig, pie, pink, kit, night, cast, cat, cap, critic, sin, stay, say, tap, born, cell, only, nor, use, user, pole, sea, horse, corn, corner, anchor, area, bay, bat, pepper, inch, scar, type, tape, propose, pop, pope, pose, rose, speak, soap, son, person, peak, weak, nose, pack, pan, panic, canoe, sit, lay, gene, yes, see, sweep, layer, large, recent, gray, yet, they, center, new, enter, lot, hot, hat

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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56+so, ウィンドウ, Easy+, рожен, 駒田陽子, ラグナロク, 음녀+성경, алиса, SAP_2, BRTED, Resta, carte, size+, rugby, 1576%, ELHOV, BG175, dkim+, nacha, beck

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