WordBrain Flamingo Level - 9

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Flamingo pack Flamingo Level - 9

e g a m a n t n
e c a n o d e e
n t c n u h r c
t e e n i r c i
v i e r n a k l
i n p o p e c e
c k n m u m i p
y r o g e t a s

The answer / solution is Damage, Recent, Announce, Trainer, Pumpkin, Chicken, Specimen, Category, Violent

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Hidden words:
gate, gene, get, age, agent, act, accent, man, mad, manner, manage, mode, mate, and, net, nod, none, teen, terrace, ten, tend, need, enter, can, cannon, cane, cat, center, our, once, one, deer, dance, end, tent, nine, hour, hire, her, here, hen, rich, rice, red, rent, circle, tie, tin, tip, input, inn, inner, iron, race, rain, run, crack, chin, cake, canoe, car, cap, ice, rope, route, neck, near, nor, air, acre, like, invite, pop, pope, per, peer, pen, pie, pink, pine, piece, pit, prince, open, out, peak, peace, pear, peach, put, pump, pace, pack, pan, park, pair, pain, ear, earn, each, cite, cry, knee, more, upon, map, mean, memory, item, pick, tap, tape, tug, time, aim, same, sick, sickle, sit, site, not, note, toe, tone, tour, hot, hero, incentive, carrot, entire, tire, cinema, nice, uncle, unit, inch, print, price, panic, paint, painter, trace, track, train, cart, art, part, impact, oven, pencil, movie, move, come, coin, among, lie, live, let, client, elite, locate, oil

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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3356 , 長崎ドーム, sky+p, ile a, think, xxxxx, my gi, SKHO-, 직장+내+, troy+, quant, คลิปห, 135 s, to+do, weave, ushap, queen, التحق, does , webpw

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