WordBrain Flamingo Level - 5

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Flamingo pack Flamingo Level - 5

a l l e b d r m
b t a d r b u i
o r l i e l m a
i y n e c a g g
r m m c u x t e
o a l o y t t l
n l e f a n l c
e a r i n f w e

The answer / solution is Umbrella, Common, Rabbit, Infant, Middle, Welfare, Galaxy, Grocery, Intellectual

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all, lad, lab, lead, leader, learn, eat, ear, earl, early, earn, bread, bed, bell, belt, beat, bear, dream, rub, rule, ruler, mud, born, boy, brain, ball, bat, blade, tale, tail, tall, try, trade, trader, trail, train, toy, aid, aide, air, art, die, dice, diary, deal, daily, data, dart, dear, relax, relate, real, red, read, rice, rid, ride, beauty, beam, image, obtain, riot, radical, rail, raid, rain, rat, lie, line, ice, idea, ideal, income, late, mate, male, age, aim, iron, need, needle, nice, cat, cut, cereal, cinema, clam, club, acid, album, aerial, get, gate, role, roll, mall, man, moral, coat, collar, come, clear, clean, tell, tax, egg, oar, one, alone, arm, army, loan, lean, lane, out, you, let, leg, legal, near, nor, norm, normal, name, era, fan, fair, fat, fin, fire, fear, float, flame, any, cell, area, alarm, rifle, inn, well, bad, bald, bar, dad, date, rate, mile, bit, bite, tie, tea, tear, add, dead, detail, once, elite, cite, glad, gear, cry, acre, lay, leaf, turn, final, fly, flat, far, nature, natural, rely, dealer, ally, left, year, yell, free, fee, feel, flee, fall, raft, reflect, really, race, large, car, coal, target, net, nut, run, tune, ten, alter, lecture, letter, tin, tent

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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3356 , 長崎ドーム, sky+p, ile a, think, xxxxx, my gi, SKHO-, 직장+내+, troy+, quant, คลิปห, 135 s, to+do, weave, ushap, queen, التحق, does , webpw

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