WordBrain Flamingo Level - 6

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Flamingo pack Flamingo Level - 6

r t a r y t o c
c a d n e o m h
y l s r e p l e
s s e r c a r o
g t n e g e n n
d s s r i m e g
e h w e p i r t
r g g n r o k a

The answer / solution is Impress, Employer, Contract, Gender, Hardly, Working, Gather, Sergeant, Congress

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Hidden words:
rat, tale, talent, tray, and, any, replace, yet, too, tool, top, toe, toy, teen, ten, tend, come, compare, cool, case, cat, car, cart, class, clay, asset, act, art, dress, data, dart, day, dare, dry, net, near, end, era, open, opera, melon, mere, help, her, hero, here, home, hot, lens, less, let, lad, lay, sense, see, set, sad, sale, sales, say, recent, real, rent, rest, rely, ear, earn, earl, eager, plot, plan, plane, planet, place, pan, pace, page, pale, palm, pear, peace, per, percent, peer, pen, pole, poet, pot, pet, long, lot, lane, lap, employ, employee, stern, stereo, essay, regime, carpet, care, career, can, cane, canoe, cap, center, cereal, anger, acre, age, agent, agree, along, alone, role, range, race, remote, one, orange, nest, enter, gene, gear, green, grip, gang, gap, empire, emperor, none, nor, she, secret, report, import, meet, mean, meal, get, general, egg, west, western, pirate, pie, press, present, prior, prime, port, pig, piece, priest, rate, rope, trip, tree, term, teenager, red, new, news, arm, assert, leg, land, street, trend, need, deer, dirt, die, diet, degree, dear, deal, dealer, edge, idea, ideal, rid, ride, order, kid, tone, today, only, contact, card, also, not, nod, hen, yard, lady, send, son, song, sand, salad, shot, entry, cash, cry, clash, rose, reason, try, gay, gas, early, ease, nearly, nose, declare, hard, shade, large, actress, react, organ, gray, grant, win, wing, work, iron, ring, row, now, own, king, hat, the

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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china, пнг в, bite+, vienn, xxxxx, 香港+mt, EDGE+, 罪恶之城+, 300km, Salt+, 契約書+a, канон, canbe, b+min, botan, equal, googl, mini , нбу п, Confo

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