WordBrain Emu Level - 8

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Emu pack Emu Level - 8

c h a r h c s t
i y a e r i s d
a t t s s o c i
e r e e i l e s
c t t t o d b h
e n i r c c a s
e o i o p p p r
e s c n o v r p

The answer / solution is Doctrine, Practice, Scissors, Shelter, Beside, Province, Attach, Oppose, Charity

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Hidden words:
chase, cite, city, hat, hate, hit, area, arrest, rest, resist, rat, rate, his, hire, her, hero, heat, hear, chest, crisis, cross, create, sir, asset, assist, aside, estate, essay, eat, ease, east, easter, ear, era, rice, rich, rise, role, rose, ice, isle, score, solid, soil, dish, disc, dice, die, art, tree, tray, test, tea, tear, taste, treat, treaty, set, see, silo, side, sit, site, stay, state, star, stare, street, sea, seat, say, sister, slide, old, oil, cold, core, cost, close, closer, recent, lie, list, loss, lose, lost, lot, elite, else, editor, edition, she, sharp, shade, center, tin, ten, tent, teen, troop, toe, tide, tie, diet, disease, bar, bad, bed, enter, noise, nose, net, iron, interest, rod, crop, code, cop, coin, cash, cap, car, cab, cable, able, appoint, sad, onion, one, once, poor, pop, point, port, portion, portrait, portray, print, printer, prince, prison, protest, radio, son, senior, sin, since, contest, concert, concrete, control, nor, nine, settle, slice, let, title, tap, tactic, table, bat, battle, belt, bet, cat, act, ratio, assert, stereo, less, spoon, chair, hair, air, race, case, cast, castle, teach, each, desert, dear, idea, rebel, letter, better, best, pose, chart, try

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

easte, robux, Momos, code , ort, нічия, risk+, b450+, gramo, grupo, Joann, Como , come , steam, geogu, linge, từ+vự, ugree, Do+yo, brace

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