WordBrain Emu Level - 9

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Emu pack Emu Level - 9

y d s b r e o r
s i s r u g f p
e e c e s t a u
g k a s y h r y
n a e c a l e t
n n e e t p p r
t s i o c p r o
r o n i a n c h

The answer / solution is Replace, Tennis, Property, Subsidy, Progress, Contain, Anchor, Haystack, Refugee

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disc, disease, die, dice, sick, brush, break, bus, busy, bush, but, rush, rub, see, seek, sea, ice, rest, react, use, user, urge, gay, gather, gap, guest, guess, far, fat, father, for, pure, part, party, pay, path, page, easy, ease, case, cake, essay, escape, star, stare, start, stay, stage, style, she, shape, share, sugar, sure, sue, tap, the, they, that, try, tray, tug, art, age, ago, assess, assure, act, acid, acre, scale, scene, sale, salt, say, sake, sense, senior, yes, her, hero, help, hat, hate, report, reply, relate, rely, rat, rather, raft, yet, cat, cap, apple, apply, let, late, lap, lay, layer, era, nest, eat, teen, tea, tale, tape, toe, proper, properly, plate, place, play, player, pale, pace, pass, pet, per, porch, port, portray, rope, sin, son, sort, insect, inn, into, can, coin, consent, pan, pain, opera, rose, nice, nor, nose, not, noise, nine, note, crop, corn, core, cop, copper, cope, hope, street, sheet, sheep, threat, threaten, three, than, treat, tree, area, heat, hear, heart, rate, yeah, year, net, near, any, ear, earth, tear, none, top, ten, pot, pear, peer, pretty, since, inner, ocean, once, onion, one, pen, operate, create, hot, restaurant, parent, then, hen, rent, entry, tin, onto, paint, open, corner, honey, breast, seat, gas, fast, past, creature, east, stake, take, task, gesture, ask, safe, set, secret, gate, great, get, fate, cast, after, steak, stereo, stress, fee

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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The+b, 台灣人 a, story, let+i, 雪倒れ, porse, 吳淡如老公, BIONE, mazda, パスワード, keri+, The+C, next+, I+pho, เน็ต , vertt, Nsc;S, 小麦アレル, micro, radio

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