WordBrain Gnome Level - 4

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Gnome pack Gnome Level - 4

i o r e e u r i
n t v c n o t n
s i r c r o l r
k o a e r c t u
e s i a c r i s
m t s i o g a v
i s c e o w r i
d n e d y o v t

The answer / solution is Wooden, Tragedy, Crisis, Victim, Suitcase, Overlook, Corner, Arrive, Instruction

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Hidden words:
into, oven, over, run, root, iron, nor, not, tire, tin, train, trace, tree, via, cross, nut, once, one, our, out, trust, too, tool, tone, tour, toe, turn, tune, sir, sit, sin, ski, skirt, skin, sort, stir, strain, strike, stroke, store, raise, rain, race, risk, river, rose, car, care, cart, cast, case, lot, lots, kit, oar, area, art, air, ask, acre, across, error, era, ease, east, ear, crow, corn, core, cool, concert, site, set, item, asset, arrow, cow, coast, carrot, raw, row, suit, stone, straw, saw, miss, mine, mind, mince, mess, time, tie, see, seed, ice, gas, grow, good, ago, vast, insect, send, since, wood, war, wait, disc, nest, need, end, door, dog, yes, carriage, rare, gear, grocery, age, vary, red, dear, year, very, tired, try, treat, cream, stream, react, aim, eat, rat, ratio, correct, act, cat, rice, mass, mast, star, stare, scar, scream, voice, cost, critic, rise, sea, serve, server, actor, arise, stair, stairs, mirror, coat, career, reserve, score, look, alone, real, earl, earn, nice, scene, screen, court, note, virtue, vote, cut, artist, coin

1451 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1451 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1451 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1451 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1451 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1451 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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