WordBrain Minotaur Level - 7

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Minotaur pack Minotaur Level - 7

e e r c l r e c
r v s o h g s o
o s t c i a r o
l r e n i e a l
o n t e g a g x
t e n t e n e r
t l y o r i d m
c g n i t s i f

The answer / solution is String, Closer, Gently, Medicine, Forget, Taxation, Organic, Server, Cholesterol

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Hidden words:
ever, rose, rest, close, coin, cost, core, chin, charge, chain, chase, choice, cross, lost, lose, loss, lot, lots, cool, verse, society, stern, street, store, score, scene, serve, see, hint, host, horse, hot, garage, gain, gas, grain, ghost, solar, over, senior, set, sector, sort, ten, tent, teen, tree, toss, ice, inch, into, area, age, rain, real, reign, oar, love, lover, rent, restore, engage, nice, net, nest, eager, ear, earl, ease, era, again, large, loose, one, not, note, nor, teenager, test, enter, gang, gene, gender, get, gear, and, anger, agent, tone, toe, tend, tea, toy, trend, end, engine, engineer, edition, editor, engineering, red, let, letter, yet, only, rid, ride, ring, riot, idea, iron, index, dirt, dirty, die, diet, merger, mean, none, tin, tiny, tire, tide, tie, side, stir, strong, strongly, stone, stinger, sir, sin, sing, singer, sit, fist, settle, via, her, here, give, great, cite, center, inn, inner, intend, retain, nine, eat, once, tear, genetic, gate, meat, cotton, contain, container, content, cigarette, treat, for, rat, rate, ratio, late, later, near, tax, corn, corner, hire, hair, girl, organ, chair, air, role, rice, rich, river, earn, learn, lean, lease, error, chest, hole, hotel, shot, shoe, she, steel, those, the, there, other

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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