WordBrain Bigfoot Level - 14

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Bigfoot pack Bigfoot Level - 14

c e p r o i s t
c p e e t d r e
l a c i g c e r
s a t o r n r e
h r o n e a t i
c t e e l m o n
a h t n h a c f
y h t l i o r e

The answer / solution is Creditor, Respect, Regional, Income, Another, Fraction, Accept, Shelter, Healthy

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Hidden words:
protect, protection, peer, peace, peas, per, pet, rod, retire, reign, region, repeat, replace, react, reaction, real, street, set, see, seed, side, sir, sit, site, teen, tree, clash, cat, cap, cash, pace, palace, place, eat, toe, treat, tire, tie, tide, tired, deer, direct, director, direction, dirt, rest, resident, red, rent, rise, rid, ride, riot, lap, act, actor, action, cite, corn, corner, core, car, cart, care, cereal, iron, ice, great, green, grant, get, central, center, credit, creation, create, cream, critic, critical, era, editor, edition, edge, entire, enter, share, art, tone, too, tooth, tap, tape, trace, orange, one, onto, relation, relate, remote, remain, rat, ratio, rate, range, rare, root, rice, nation, name, near, hat, race, oar, other, others, net, nor, north, not, notice, note, ear, earn, anger, arrest, tin, target, tale, talent, into, internal, interest, chart, crash, ten, tent, the, then, throat, three, that, total, let, letter, lean, learn, lemon, late, later, lane, large, male, mail, main, mate, man, meat, mean, meal, mental, merger, merit, meet, mention, once, acre, hate, heel, hen, her, hero, ham, hint, camera, come, coat, coal, coin, frame, yacht, line, interaction, oil, rail, rain, print, printer, price, priest, prior, stern, string, spring, secret, sector, plate, plan, plane, planet, plant, ring, lantern, alter, also, salt, son, sort, tea, team, tear, rating, nice, margin, metal, nine, helmet, pig, pirate, pine, loan, air, area, alone, grip, grain, aerial, reason, trial, trip, train, trainer, lens, control, can, cane, canal, pan, pant, sea, seat, same, sale, solar, resort, here, role, rose, there, lose, canoe, thin, threat, threaten, leaf, half, hear, heat, hit, fear, far, flee, fleet, flat, fee, front, lion, inch, part, she, shelf, earth, heart, teach, teacher, chef, cheap, each, fan, face, fact, factor, reflect, reflection, reach, health

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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-4045, cclsh, 渣打銀行信, Toyot, bajra, 3425 , xinya, Abeg&, pondo, provi, 9999 , magic, websu

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