WordBrain Zebra Level - 15

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Zebra pack Zebra Level - 15

e r a e r t p c
r k e o y n u p
l p p o r o o c
f o c s o l l b
s p n c y t i a
r y a t t r o p
p s r r e a b m
h i r e n i m e

The answer / solution is Speaker, Country, Portray, Trainer, Cyclops, Copper, Balloon, Profit, Membership

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Hidden words:
era, report, ear, rope, try, tree, troop, put, cup, cut, oar, oak, opera, you, year, nut, nor, upon, poll, pool, poor, pop, pope, pear, peak, per, peer, port, roll, root, out, colony, cool, coup, count, county, cop, folk, copy, contract, contact, cope, corn, soon, scar, scope, speak, sport, snap, lip, lot, loop, locate, lap, lab, ball, bolt, bit, bill, son, pattern, parish, part, party, pay, pan, pant, cat, car, care, career, cart, carry, can, cap, cash, tip, tire, train, treat, treaty, trial, trip, top, toy, too, tool, ill, air, about, all, ally, art, area, any, act, tray, tea, team, tear, ten, teen, tap, rain, rat, rate, retain, riot, oil, pot, pair, pit, pity, pilot, pirate, sir, ship, shirt, say, rare, eat, aim, aerial, bar, bat, battery, ban, boat, brain, more, motor, hire, his, hip, near, net, name, memory, mine, miner, main, mate, material, matter, man, empire, roof, proof, floor, core, crop, cry, proper, plot, collar, trail, arm, rail, tail, tall, see, rise, pie, member, fool, not, fit, for

1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Nirom, QeY, make , 30.+m, intro, милиц, make+, krist, ミミロルと, lmss, RcOu, find , loads, emerg, Mirac, eimi , is th, лаш+в, Cyc, L+I+S

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