WordBrain Zebra Level - 10

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Zebra pack Zebra Level - 10

t a p e e l a t
m l e p y e s r
t y e s u e l g
m r e i m o a i
i t n r t i n t
d a r e s i p m
n i a i u y r n
m a t l i m a t

The answer / solution is Asleep, Result, Pyramid, Treaty, Minimum, Attorney, Maintain, Pliers, Legitimate

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tap, tape, tale, peer, pale, palm, eye, else, last, lease, least, art, map, male, lap, eat, per, permit, yes, year, ease, east, ear, earl, sleep, see, seem, sea, seat, sale, seminar, star, rat, tree, try, yet, sue, sum, supply, super, suit, sir, sit, site, sin, set, use, user, eagle, latin, lean, lemon, loan, lot, lots, giant, gain, rent, retain, rid, rely, repeat, entire, entirely, entry, interest, mouse, minister, mine, miner, mineral, melon, mean, meat, meal, aim, initial, treat, trail, train, trial, tire, ten, term, terms, nest, near, net, rest, real, rise, retire, tin, tip, time, tie, tent, tea, tear, toe, nail, noise, not, note, tail, dare, dart, date, dirt, dirty, area, arise, arrest, aid, air, and, rail, raise, rain, raid, rate, era, enter, earn, series, senate, stir, stern, steal, pray, print, pit, piano, indian, main, man, mind, lie, list, listen, may, must, arm, army, tray, trip, target, type, meet, mere, merit, early, eager, leg, let, great, gray, gear, get, isle, agree, age, trend, send, end, tend, ratio, day, yard, mad, nation, national, legal, plan, plant, plot, smell, all, ill, tall, learn, sell, sort, son, solar, senior, lose, resort, iron, oar, one, alone, nor, nose, rose, role, roll, riot, tone, team, game, gate, mate, image

1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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440+n, Thic, wall+, 225+D, AMD d, qs+me, mt+bo, 7433 , faruk, 2025+, henta, dacia, Vaske, elenc, ti le, asd%2, my+wi, AIS+T, Napa+, %C4%9

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