WordBrain Yeti Level - 15

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Yeti pack Yeti Level - 15

r e t p u a d s
e l h g b i s o
l t n e v e r p
h g u o h t i a
w t l o y f k l
e n o r n o d c
a n r e e c c o
s n h l f s t i

The answer / solution is Prevent, Itself, Daughter, Possible, Concern, Confront, Likely, Shadow, Although

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Hidden words:
the, then, there, tell, pub, air, aid, dose, die, diet, dirt, dirty, sort, let, hen, hell, her, here, heel, birth, bid, bet, bad, base, sport, sir, sad, set, seven, tug, tune, tutor, never, nut, ever, enough, enter, volunteer, via, era, even, event, rail, rise, rid, rose, rod, pair, part, party, press, pose, port, pit, pity, pie, gun, glory, glue, glove, ought, out, one, over, oven, honest, hero, tire, tie, tip, though, thought, their, trial, trip, trail, tribe, arise, art, wet, toe, tone, too, tool, ten, tea, lot, lung, long, love, lover, once, you, young, youth, fit, fire, kit, kite, lap, lie, lift, lip, nor, not, note, none, new, net, reflect, refer, rest, rough, route, root, nod, nest, dock, elect, flee, fee, feel, ferry, fence, stock, scene, see, self, loss, also, loan, hole, honor, fold, folk, front, load, role, old, any, anyone, cash, can, cold, lake, like, owl, how, holy, why, who, whole, low, key, two, law

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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a+l+i, G4+te, -3617, sap s, buyee, фанта, ecd, 488, зддс , coven, Hopw+, Monst, 澳洲实习列, synon, &, Treem, Aegm, пиза , Bao, скъпа

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