WordBrain Yellow Penguin Level - 3

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Yellow Penguin pack Yellow Penguin Level - 3

w o s a r e c s
d h h t r s e o
g u e l i t s m
n h w h t a r i
i i y a i l i o
a g n y l v k t
n i d a h e r i
f o u e n d e s

The answer / solution is Missile, Desire, Secret, Through, Railway, Heavily, Shadow, Thinking, Foundation

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Hidden words:
who, she, show, share, stress, street, stir, star, stare, start, arrest, art, artist, arise, rest, rat, rate, rare, era, come, cost, some, see, set, settle, due, host, how, hat, hate, trial, tree, title, tire, the, rise, stair, stairs, strike, stroke, stilts, seem, sit, site, sir, gun, ghost, elite, list, let, italian, item, talk, tall, tail, trail, salt, sail, miss, most, moss, mess, metal, whale, what, while, why, white, wait, way, wall, wet, win, wind, wing, hall, hand, hang, hill, hit, hire, his, taste, than, this, tale, arm, alive, all, ally, air, asset, assert, riot, river, rail, raise, indian, any, and, ill, like, likely, live, late, last, oil, aid, aide, gain, nail, native, lay, law, land, landing, lane, lad, lady, verse, villa, via, vital, kit, kill, killer, tired, tie, trend, nod, idea, ideal, day, deal, dealer, dig, dining, anyway, her, here, hell, hen, head, heading, end, red, rely, fin, fig, find, final, need, deer, devil, delay, serve, seed, seek, courage, court, source, south, truth, three, rural, out, our, ought, gate, get, urge, tug, toe, tour, tough, will, with, auto, agree, age, ratio, laugh, later, oar, village, virtually, virtue, wild, inn, lion, van, then, death, heat, fill, only, eat, shut, shot, shout, rough, hurt, hot, hour, though, thought, tutor, author, sad, thin, tin, think, thing, kid, kind, king, found, union, unit, not

1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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trà+t, lãnh+, AOSP , try 英, 픽업 커피, 陶喆 下载, сух л, как+с, скачя, село+, انیمه, енцик, ืดกพ้, 保10年是, 연락+안보, 迷你世界+, อิฏฐา, phim , 5+ton, fjadr

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