WordBrain Woolly Mammoth Level - 7
Woolly Mammoth Level - 7
The answer / solution is Reader, Though, Contact, Proposal, Install, Gently, Pancake, Guardian, Discharge
Click on the word to view its position.
Hidden words:
disc, disk, die, scar, sick, sickle, side, ski, sky, change, chart, charter, car, cart, care, can, canal, crack, crash, hat, hate, hang, art, area, egg, engine, enter, eat, ear, earth, gear, get, key, kid, cash, case, cast, acid, acre, aside, ask, rest, reach, rank, rat, rating, rate, range, tin, tie, tip, track, than, thank, thanks, test, testing, tea, tear, teach, ten, tent, nine, near, net, yell, latter, ease, east, easter, era, each, inn, inner, all, ally, attract, attend, hen, her, hear, heart, heat, hall, sue, sure, suit, sad, she, share, shall, set, setting, sea, search, send, seat, student, step, strange, use, user, used, eager, poet, pour, per, pet, pear, peas, pen, pine, pie, pit, pig, gate, trend, tall, tank, talk, tale, red, rent, real, really, research, end, earn, earl, early, dare, dog, door, dentist, dear, deal, desert, due, dust, ago, age, agent, rope, reign, read, rush, road, rod, rooster, opera, open, opening, our, late, later, act, treat, tend, nor, nod, nearly, nest, good, gesture, gas, oar, hope, hour, cat, son, song, state, star, stare, start, stern, steal, sit, one, crop, cop, cost, contract, contest, coup, courage, coast, code, core, cup, pure, poor, phrase, aid, drop, post, pond, artist, call, tennis, tug, the, input, nut, lack, sun, stop, sin, sing, site, sign, unit, pot, put, push, guitar, gun, top, tough, thought, too, out, ought, output, hot, house, housing, cut, photo, auto, root, scale, retain, title, threat, tell, alter, let, least, lean, last, latin, spin, sale, salt, not, lap, lad, glad, gap, also, soup, soap, drag, guard, say, cry, entry, gene, tap, tape, tray, try, gang, yacht, lay, pan, pant, path, page, cake, check, race, charge