WordBrain Woodpecker Level - 5

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Woodpecker pack Woodpecker Level - 5

s l a i p d e l
l r l i s u h i
t a g t m a s a
n o a d s t s t
i t l i t o i e
l p r n y n l o
a m a c a d i h
n o i s a v n i

The answer / solution is Invasion, Pillar, Holiday, Normal, Dismiss, Assault, Capital, Delight, Attention

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Hidden words:
all, aim, art, ill, push, pit, pig, dust, due, lie, list, rat, rail, lip, sum, sue, sit, still, stair, station, his, hat, hate, ham, tall, total, trail, again, ago, gain, grant, goal, goat, gold, tip, tail, mass, mast, mill, must, mud, asset, sail, she, sustain, not, old, oar, oil, admit, aid, air, diagonal, dirt, stir, soil, son, solid, sin, silo, sir, toilet, toy, toss, tie, tissue, tin, tiny, taste, site, set, test, into, trial, lad, latin, load, lot, loan, log, issue, lamp, lap, lion, print, prison, prism, part, pan, pant, plan, palm, plot, rid, noise, nose, lots, lost, lose, loss, let, less, apart, map, man, many, arm, any, can, candle, camp, car, cart, cap, captain, and, day, hint, hold, hole, sad, scar, say, sand, van, miss, listen, storm, stone, stop, sort, tone, top, senior, ten, tennis, one, inn, iron, priest, pilot, port, pot, post, pose, rose, rapid, riot, rise, nine, nor, norm, net, nest, artist, arise, mall, cane, step, pie, pine, pen, pet, last, glue, glass, auto, salt, shut, along, status, long, eight, light, that, the, gate, late, petal, note, tent

1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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sta j, bonan, .net , drive, datei, 18.59, resta, best , Xef, how d, Egt, 確定申告 , 神戸岩, The+P, Tni, windi, Locti, shado, tcufn, Banan

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