WordBrain Wildebeest Level - 1

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Wildebeest pack Wildebeest Level - 1

r p r e d l t h
a t n e d e o s
t t r e s i n v
i i e v e t r i
s a n c y t c a
t l n o i u v s
n c e s u e e e
i r e r e a r v

The answer / solution is Holder, Invest, Preserve, Identity, Attract, Invasion, Culture, Severe, Increase

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Hidden words:
rat, rate, president, presidential, present, pattern, part, partner, red, rent, resident, rest, restriction, reserve, entire, enter, deserve, desert, deer, dentist, lens, let, lost, lot, lots, tone, toe, ten, tent, test, host, honest, hot, hotel, hole, hold, art, tree, treat, trial, tap, need, needle, nest, nerve, never, dirt, dirty, district, die, diet, one, old, son, shoe, shot, stone, tie, tin, tire, tired, tea, teen, reveal, real, even, ever, sin, sit, site, sir, side, set, seven, see, seed, strain, stir, serve, sentence, not, note, noise, net, via, virtue, vote, isle, inn, inner, event, east, eat, train, tide, rain, rise, rid, ride, riot, sale, sales, salt, stance, stair, since, air, nose, none, course, concern, connect, convert, city, cite, yet, yes, you, your, yours, case, car, cart, cut, act, action, arise, tale, lane, last, our, once, ocean, ice, variety, save, scar, sea, nice, ensure, sue, suit, suitcase, sure, use, user, ear, era, rice, pen, per, pet, tend, area, artist, density, end, send, step, spend, trainer, river, peer, star, stern, section, eye, trace, tactic, race, cat, social, attend, entity, interaction, trend, care, credit, acre, sacred, scared, union, unit, sun, van, tear, steel, result, rule, ruler, ease

1446 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1446 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1446 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1446 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1446 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1446 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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the+s, JTt, the+s, Word+, lifeg, ratar, JTt, 2 gay, ratar, 熱闘甲子園, small, joshu, 2 gay, 1622 , joshu, book+, pagsa, salad, book+, wie+w

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