WordBrain Werewolf Level - 17

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Werewolf pack Werewolf Level - 17

g r e a s t s e
t e s l a t o e
r k l l b n q t
e d y u i r u d
s j e o a t i r
e m t c b y i p
u a s s t u e c
e l b p e r q a

The answer / solution is Request, Capable, Totally, Equity, Builder, Darkness, Greatest, Subject, Promise

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Hidden words:
get, real, really, rely, east, ease, else, all, ally, ask, stable, sale, sales, toe, total, table, tall, tale, see, son, set, tell, tree, sell, seller, sea, seek, sky, lab, last, least, lease, able, red, reject, let, leg, bit, bill, brain, blue, bat, ban, ball, buy, bullet, bulk, nut, not, note, nose, quit, test, turn, yet, you, ill, into, run, rid, riot, rat, ratio, rail, rain, race, urban, unable, unit, unity, drip, duty, dirt, dirty, seat, jet, oar, obtain, oil, air, act, actress, art, tip, tie, tail, trip, tray, trail, train, trace, tin, rice, eat, mass, mast, male, mate, meal, meat, metal, toy, coat, could, coin, cat, cab, car, cart, but, buyer, bay, bar, barn, boat, boy, ice, pie, pit, pity, price, per, assert, asset, same, scar, step, city, late, blame, pet, rest, rub, basic, sauce, say, sit, sir, spirit, cap, lap, lay, baby, pay, pale, pair, suit, great, sense, ten, tea, enter, line, build, best, bet, beat, nest, net, tune, duke, due, deer, doubt, seed, seem, tribe, code, send, senior, tent, tend, end, strain, lie, bird, bind, broad, blind, bend, road, dart, corn, bus, board, born, bed, bad, prior, part, pain, paint, pub, knee, dark, cork, park, object, some, rose, rise, prime, prism, pose

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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radon, visua, wario, main+, topic, kra, beelz, Purco, nicol, radon, ESi, Alh&a, 56722, 씨지인바이, เผ่า+, Why+d, pywin, were , ニモカ チ, upper

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