WordBrain Tree Kangaroo Level - 14

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Tree Kangaroo pack Tree Kangaroo Level - 14

d n e l m o i r
m e c c n k n e
i a i i d t p r
d n a m u e i m
p c t m e a i p
i l d c a r i t
e y n r e p t e
c l h t a m y s

The answer / solution is Sympathy, Letter, Prince, Academic, Limited, Pumpkin, Article, Indian, Recommend

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Hidden words:
decide, dead, demand, need, end, one, once, rent, mean, mind, minimum, main, maintain, man, mad, can, nice, none, aim, and, aid, acid, icicle, ice, idea, due, dear, deer, dice, tea, tear, tip, tie, tire, pie, pit, pear, pet, peer, per, permit, pen, die, name, act, aide, mud, merit, mere, meet, mince, ear, pile, camera, cat, map, earth, earn, era, air, art, area, pipe, pity, lie, lip, dream, drama, car, carpet, cart, care, cap, card, cream, apart, acre, race, rare, react, remain, remind, test, yield, rat, rate, eat, empty, empire, peace, priest, premium, part, party, pace, path, type, trip, trace, tree, treat, tap, tape, team, mate, meat, yes, yet, set, stir, strip, stripe, stream, street, married, piece, cane, candle, receipt, title, retire, terrace, let, indeed, pine, deep, near, item, pan, panda, panic, pain, paint, time, mile, medium, media, admit, lead, camp, put, limit, kit, kind, kid, tin, pump, pure, pant, napkin, more, cite, core, corn, corner, net, nor, ten, nine, read, mine, miner, minor, canoe, come, income, dance

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

ariel, samso, used , nql, death, 永夜星河与, find+, -8346, perio, CHief, yeule, Etltp, 日本人のハ, Rsg, S+I+L, metal, koy+k, best , ГРУНД, 中国历史题

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