WordBrain Tiger Level - 3

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Tiger pack Tiger Level - 3

y t i n g a d u
e e p e r i s a
l m m t r r t l
e f o t e h t p
a n e a r c s h
s u t i e e e s
e s e s t l r i
p o s s i b l y

The answer / solution is Possibly, Threaten, Temple, Disagree, Platform, Shelter, Series, Suitcase, Unity

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Hidden words:
yet, tin, tip, tie, item, net, gas, get, air, aid, age, art, dust, dare, dart, dirt, direct, dig, element, empty, eye, per, pet, pen, pine, pie, pit, pity, era, rid, remote, raid, salt, sad, stir, sir, sit, sign, audit, lean, lease, leaf, lens, lemon, let, meet, meeting, mean, menu, moment, merit, meter, mere, treat, tea, tear, ten, toe, tone, tire, the, there, threat, three, last, lad, ease, entire, fear, flee, fleet, fan, oar, one, tree, tent, ear, eat, her, here, hear, heart, heat, their, these, assess, asset, aunt, near, nut, not, note, arise, attempt, rest, resist, raise, rat, rate, rise, cell, create, crisis, she, sheet, shell, see, secret, sell, select, set, sphere, heel, hell, sue, sun, safe, use, title, test, tune, elect, elite, estate, star, stare, start, stair, state, still, steel, sister, site, sea, search, seat, tell, less, list, listen, retire, ill, possible, possess, pose, post, poet, bit, bite, bill, lie, artist, arm, petrol, stop, store, auditor, meat, term, rose, top, toss, lose, loss, lot, lots, for, free, fresh, often, pot, port, portrait, plot, resort, cop, core, shop, shot, short, shore, score, soft, sort, spot, sport, hot, teen, green, gene, aim, agree, storm, time, form, former, unit, plan, case, act, cause, cat, cut, suit, tissue, issue

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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epic+, cock+, trườn, rnnie, jeffr, şükre, FEMAL, 中国建行官, 吸血鬼もど, 2023 , a+str, Bar, パナソニッ, ETN+l, anti , cecil, 41+MA, cà ph, minOt, cHE

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