WordBrain Squid Level - 1

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Squid pack Squid Level - 1

s o e u d l i p
n s r a r n g r
w a e c e e h c
e l v a h m t e
n f a t f a e r
i o e i t e v e
t r n r e j a k
r o t a b u c c

The answer / solution is Darling, Presence, Source, Material, Heaven, Whatever, Jacket, Effort, Incubator

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Hidden words:
son, era, ear, earn, earl, each, due, dare, lip, light, line, pig, pine, nose, nor, sale, save, saw, secret, sea, seat, search, self, swan, swear, rare, race, reach, real, reason, research, relate, release, read, rose, raw, area, acre, across, rural, net, near, night, grip, get, gene, right, ring, wave, war, wear, eat, ease, cat, car, care, card, create, cross, end, her, here, hen, latin, latter, late, later, lava, leave, lease, lean, law, lawn, leather, leaf, less, lesson, learn, lead, verse, van, ahead, after, have, ham, hat, hate, hear, head, headline, heat, mate, matter, match, mere, meat, meter, meet, tea, team, tree, treat, the, there, them, theme, then, teen, ten, tend, none, not, new, news, fat, fate, father, fair, faith, for, feather, flat, few, fear, fit, fire, fin, fine, air, tire, tie, tin, tale, tent, that, fee, face, attach, ever, iron, onto, one, either, into, tear, trial, veteran, tone, toe, riot, rifle, rent, retire, retain, neither, notion, rat, jet, art, aerial, buck, bat, bar, barn, ban, bet, better, beat, bear, bean, brief, breath, breathe, cube, cake, once, ensure, use, user, purse, pure, push, set, see, seem, she, sheet, supreme, sure, sue, rush, cheese, these, three, our, water, what, whether, where, term, alter, title, wet, theft, threat, threaten, note, even, refer, often, ratio, nation, never, far, earth, rate, raft, oak, join, fortune, off, offer, turn, tune, rub, run, nut, burn, but, cut

1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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225+D, AMD d, qs+me, mt+bo, 7433 , faruk, 2025+, henta, dacia, Vaske, elenc, ti le, asd%2, my+wi, AIS+T, Napa+, %C4%9, Deas+, 惡靈古堡3, odin+

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