WordBrain Robot Zombie Level - 12

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Robot Zombie pack Robot Zombie Level - 12

r e p p r o c r
t i g s n e o p
t m m u i t p i
l a v r e n i n
y p h e u t a r
a d r t t r e i
b c s t p i k p
i b t e l l a n

The answer / solution is Triplets, Blanket, Picture, Birthday, Summit, Painting, Proper, Interval, Copper

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Hidden words:
per, pet, pig, pit, pie, root, retire, rent, one, onto, crop, cop, cope, coin, corn, core, continue, content, center, rope, tie, tire, tip, trip, gun, get, suit, sure, sue, sum, sun, sit, site, sin, sir, net, nine, nor, entire, enter, ensure, open, pipe, pop, pope, poet, poor, pot, protein, tap, map, matter, may, unit, into, inspire, tin, ten, tent, term, terms, top, toe, too, pirate, pine, pen, lap, latter, lay, verse, retain, run, nature, nerve, nut, palm, pay, play, her, here, have, ham, hat, trial, truth, train, trainer, tea, tear, tune, aerial, air, art, rat, rate, rain, rare, repair, act, acre, day, tree, teen, the, there, three, that, treat, era, ear, earn, eat, bad, bay, cab, cap, step, street, sell, set, screen, tell, test, pile, plan, ill, kill, kit, kite, kitten, pear, pan, pair, elite, let, letter, like, lip, lie, lake, little, all, nail, interpret, print, printer, prism, hen, aunt, then, their, tank, talk, take, tape, petal, pattern, late, later, alter, continued, tired, red, need, deer, yet, permit, hair, hint, hip, hit, rather, dart, than, they, thin, bit, birth, pain, paint, painter, reign, engine, ignore, ring

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Say+c, White, pdf+파, nxtr, rmgkÃ, 57f+t, Assle, ไกตัั, Oeoe, windo, sudok, sru, nueve, Wen\, UnlS, googl, sp16, INIe&, View+, pntn

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