WordBrain Red Panda Level - 4

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Red Panda pack Red Panda Level - 4

g s e t t i w e
s t h d n g i o
o i c t o h g e
n e s u t u r d
h g u o t n e r
e h a e b l a t
e t u s r e h f
h e l p f l t e

The answer / solution is Father, Setting, Weight, Settle, Helpful, Breathe, Enough, Doghouse, Destruction

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Hidden words:
set, stone, she, shin, shine, ethics, test, testing, the, this, thin, thing, tight, tin, into, weigh, win, wing, wind, eight, son, song, sit, site, sin, sing, tie, tone, tongue, toe, toss, his, hit, dog, not, nothing, nod, night, owe, one, ice, cut, cite, chest, chin, tour, tough, tonight, touch, our, out, ought, hunter, huge, hot, hour, house, housing, great, gun, egg, nest, noise, notice, note, nice, such, sue, south, section, use, turn, tune, tug, threat, urge, real, rent, red, run, reign, draft, drug, death, deal, dealer, dear, hen, guest, gas, gate, get, tea, near, net, nut, era, eat, ear, earth, enter, edge, rat, rate, rather, raft, hat, hate, heel, age, breath, belt, bet, beat, bean, bear, beard, boat, bottle, both, late, later, lane, let, leaf, lean, leather, athlete, after, alter, art, tale, talent, tear, ten, tent, theft, there, than, thus, user, sea, seat, relate, rebel, result, return, her, here, heat, hear, heart, hard, fat, fate, fan, far, help, else, plus, put, fear, that, green, three, degree, debt, teen, though, those, need, nature, host, blue, bus, but, beer, beneath, bed, tube, pet, flee, fleet, feature, fee, left, thought, dig, die, high, shut, shrug, shot, shout, pub, deer, breed, through, rough, rod, nor, end, rest

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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