WordBrain Pumpking Level - 16

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Pumpking pack Pumpking Level - 16

g e a e c d k n
d e l l w g d o
a r e n s n e u
e c s u n t i q
t r e s i s c e
o e u t l l i o
n i c n u r o g
g t a c e s o n

The answer / solution is Action, Result, Ongoing, Cousin, Lecture, Sequence, Stinger, Saddle, Acknowledge

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Hidden words:
gear, elect, electronic, edge, all, cell, nod, deer, dear, deal, dealer, dare, dress, era, ear, earl, lens, less, leg, lead, well, get, dentist, due, odd, area, acre, act, actress, actor, recruit, race, red, react, read, real, need, still, stilts, sun, suit, sue, net, nice, end, cereal, car, care, card, set, secret, sector, see, screen, scar, scared, sell, seed, seller, until, unit, use, user, unless, tie, tin, tissue, ten, tennis, tend, ice, inn, quit, quite, quiet, tree, trust, trustee, toe, tone, tent, tea, tear, resist, rest, reign, rent, run, reader, silo, sin, sit, site, stereo, sure, ill, issue, intend, inner, insect, scientist, slice, sign, sir, sister, sing, cool, cite, close, closer, closure, clue, one, tune, teen, list, listen, lion, lie, log, logic, loose, long, lose, ignore, iron, oil, not, note, nor, cat, can, cane, cut, nurse, nut, nation, roll, rose, rice, girl, giant, accuse, accent, ancient, center, cactus, culture, enter, son, song, soon, soil, nose, lung, coin, union, onion, ensure, nest, steel, unique, test, select, leisure, else, scene, since, sense, send, essence, none, large, law, west, war, wall, raw, new, singer, lad, add, sad, saw, know, knowledge, now, deck, lack, owl, own

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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can w, under, 116 h, Mothe, Bambu, AT*T+, Forg, reset, is+as, 1420+, silve, -2626, shiva, горем, -4071, 女神転生5, BEST , expei, msı f, MIDA0

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