WordBrain Pheasant Level - 19

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Pheasant pack Pheasant Level - 19

s t n e m g e s
y l o b o o m p
t b a h n p r o
s e l s l a r r
r r c l y e e o
e r e i a r c t
c o n a r r l e
t e e v i t a r

The answer / solution is Segment, Really, Response, Relative, Probably, Smooth, Carrier, Terrace, Control

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stone, tone, toe, not, moon, moral, spray, lot, lots, lab, label, one, only, boom, bolt, bone, ball, baby, more, moment, people, pray, prayer, tell, tea, bell, best, bet, all, ally, able, alone, alter, hall, holy, hot, honor, home, nor, norm, pale, pan, pay, poem, poor, plan, play, player, rope, room, rare, rarely, sell, seller, set, sea, stereo, steal, easy, let, slice, shall, shot, shoe, shop, sale, sales, salt, scene, snap, lap, lay, layer, lean, area, arm, real, rely, rest, clay, clear, clean, cereal, cell, clash, lie, line, leave, year, yell, era, ear, earl, error, ocean, ill, ice, arrive, art, air, rail, rain, cry, core, tear, corn, corner, narrative, nail, near, note, net, nice, rice, rat, eat, teen, ten, vital, via, van, tale, trail, train, trainer, tray, trial, base, opera, open, pose, proper, help, her, hen, here, hope, per, pen, rose, select, secret, she, else, elect, lens, sector, soccer, spoon, scar, race, car, care, cart, acre, trace, robot, locate, rate, cat, can, canoe, coin, oar, act, moth, too, tool, loan, react, rent, coat, cane, center, earn, enter, contract, treat, onto

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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