WordBrain Pelican Level - 6

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Pelican pack Pelican Level - 6

t n e d i c n i
e a r l t i l u
l c e o t g c o
n o i s e u n c
r d r u n r t m
y e o t a d u e
m o i i m l e d
e n g a s c a r

The answer / solution is Imagine, Scared, Module, Little, Attorney, Courage, Incident, Murder, Conclusion

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Hidden words:
tea, tear, ten, tale, near, net, editor, era, ear, earl, earn, eat, dear, deal, idea, ideal, cite, clinic, acid, acre, rest, record, recent, real, rose, role, race, rat, rate, red, rent, lot, lots, lose, lost, lord, learn, lean, leisure, title, tin, tide, toe, long, literature, unit, locate, let, lane, late, cereal, code, core, corn, clear, clean, car, care, card, can, cane, cat, create, credit, old, tend, tension, tent, turn, tug, tune, gun, guest, gender, get, council, cut, occur, noise, nod, nor, order, once, ocean, iron, ice, senator, send, set, settle, sun, sure, sue, sir, side, solid, second, sea, seat, stern, store, end, ensure, under, nut, reign, rod, dry, distinct, dirt, die, dice, run, room, round, routine, rise, rice, rid, ride, riot, use, user, nature, nation, nurse, nest, rule, ruler, restore, ratio, rating, trend, trade, trader, tutor, medal, mud, out, our, too, tour, tourist, trust, tie, admit, and, aunt, auto, aim, art, due, duration, dead, decade, declare, dart, dare, drug, drama, monitor, mood, medical, one, isle, island, mad, male, man, main, lead, lad, latin, land, deer, gas, gain, good, giant, ago, scar, scale, smart, sit, sign, clam, clause, claim, clue, read, relation, also, amount, motor, mode, model, more, modern, mount, mouse, oar, load, loan, solar, cold, column, coal, coat, loud, gene, gesture, onto, stereo, not, tone, eager, argue, age, aid, aide, raid, urge, lion, count, court, gear, organ, oil, silo, scene, slice, disc, discount, uncle, conclude

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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