WordBrain Panther Level - 10

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Panther pack Panther Level - 10

a a n a p p w e
c y s s p e o l
a w i m n i c p
y n o x d e o l
l r i i i m n e
e e e e p s t s
r v s s t m r u
e o i a m f o c

The answer / solution is Massive, Comfort, Anyway, Passion, Welcome, Appendix, Inspire, Complete, Leisure

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Hidden words:
any, people, pen, pension, pass, pan, pole, pop, can, six, sin, snap, say, swim, swan, spend, spin, pie, piece, pine, end, owe, owl, open, low, win, way, mix, miss, minor, more, nice, new, ice, coin, come, cop, cow, cope, pope, poet, poem, now, nor, only, own, dimension, die, diet, dice, one, lens, let, less, resist, rely, reserve, rest, row, iron, nest, net, ever, every, pet, peer, side, step, ten, set, rose, via, very, vessel, see, series, severe, serve, server, mouse, route, use, over, asset, mast, mass, mate, focus, for, form, four, from, our, out, outside, court, course, cut, monster, per, protein, store, tree, acid, pace, cap, pencil, oil, pile, lip, line, lie, pit, sit, site, tin, tip, tide, tend, send, used, pliers, list, elite, tie, sure, steel, isle, else, sue, user

1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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julia, светл, SERIE, blued, 7-lxd, Abeg&, 760 W, Build, moto , snowp, japan, akria, mole+, apa b, Aes+, Msn&a, SPALN, hindi, Eha);, the+w

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