WordBrain Panther Level - 8

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Panther pack Panther Level - 8

p h y s n b o a
i l a t o i a c
c s k l a b f h
i m a e r n n t
e t e t g e l t
t s a d e i h o
n g i s n a c l
h c r g s a e s

The answer / solution is Assign, Clothing, Search, Stream, Cabinet, Football, Thanks, Delegate, Physician

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Hidden words:
play, hat, his, hip, star, stare, start, stake, stay, son, solar, sake, sale, salt, say, not, boat, bolt, lake, lay, last, lip, ask, target, tale, talk, take, task, oar, into, chain, cab, cabin, coin, cite, clay, same, slip, silk, sit, site, lab, large, lane, let, leg, legend, learn, lean, late, later, loan, lot, lots, lost, area, art, angel, anger, bar, barn, ban, bat, breed, break, brain, fin, item, mate, make, maker, mask, male, meter, metal, meat, media, meal, meet, era, eat, easily, ear, earn, earl, reign, rent, real, relate, range, rat, rain, need, estate, estimate, tea, team, test, taste, time, tie, ease, east, edge, ten, tend, teach, teaching, teacher, teen, tear, tree, treat, treaty, train, get, green, great, greatest, grab, grain, gear, engine, lie, line, thin, thing, the, then, there, than, sad, sir, sign, sigh, side, steam, steak, steal, steel, stair, stairs, state, set, sea, seat, see, seek, air, aid, aide, aside, degree, design, deer, date, data, deal, dealer, dig, disease, end, each, ice, insist, inside, hole, hot, hen, her, here, hand, hang, other, ocean, gas, gate, idea, ideal, snail, send, nail, net, nice, and, assist, asset, cloth, clean, can, cane, chin, rise, rich, rid, ride, sand, sail, gene, inch, ancient, scene, letter, latter, matter, rest, tent, grant, enter, easter, eastern, lead, least, lease, stern, stage, street, strange, strain, age, agent, agree, tail, big, bit, bite, habit, inn, tin, hill, boot, ball, basis, basic, ill, all, ally, too, tall, often, ski, skill, kill, fan, fang, fall, fat, foot, sin, skin, knee, hate, thank, this, tank

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

Smart, gladi, 레노버 광, Smart, 涂琦琦手背, 레노버 광, bumi+, bulk+, 旭川+マツ, 涂琦琦手背, Odd o, kissk, The E, 旭川+マツ, glanc, Odd o, indig, RO-01, if my, chi+đ

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