WordBrain Panther Level - 3

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Panther pack Panther Level - 3

h c a m o t s p
l a s c i r s h
i o g n n a e y
g i s d d i s p
n e t e i t g e
r w n d e k w a
e s n e d t t a
s e i n u t i t

The answer / solution is Earnings, Physical, Stomach, Attitude, Weakness, Deposit, Wedding, Interesting

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Hidden words:
close, closer, more, morning, mind, train, training, trade, tire, tin, she, strain, string, store, stir, log, lost, lose, ago, score, sail, soil, coin, core, corn, indeed, inn, indian, raise, raid, rain, resident, rest, repeat, read, riot, ring, sea, sand, sad, hear, hearing, heart, head, her, hero, oil, goal, gas, aid, aide, aside, and, art, air, aim, add, ease, east, easy, ear, earn, era, yes, year, get, gene, stern, stinger, see, seek, seed, set, send, sense, sit, site, sign, sin, sing, singer, design, designer, die, diet, dig, dining, dare, dart, seat, side, peas, pear, per, net, new, news, nest, end, ten, tend, tennis, tie, enter, tide, teen, eat, rent, reign, wet, west, need, kit, kite, kid, wage, wait, age, nine, due, tune, inner, nut, shop, scope, lot, lots, acid, act, cost, cop, cope, copy, cat, coal, coat, social, host, hope, dish, disc, pose, post, stress, desert, tent, tree, trend, twin, idea, red, witness, win, wind, wine, wide, knee, wake, want, weak, sink, edge, intense, intend, naked, take, tea, open, dirt, spend, pen, tired, entire, rid, ride, wire, sir, rise, wing, wise, interest

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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estru, Scree, موسيق, Lican, Write, Jean-, Pag, progr, backt, Copa+, koala, food , korts, holid, black, tSaM&, 大谷夫妻 , black, 22500, Cat A

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