WordBrain Ostrich Level - 11

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Ostrich pack Ostrich Level - 11

b d n e i r f c
o a t l t i v a
n i u e n a e e
n p r e t t y r
y e e n a m c u
l n c i e h e f
s r y u a e i p
t l c f r v d r

The answer / solution is Pretty, Friend, Driver, Faculty, Presence, Chimney, Funeral, Cabinet, Evaluation

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boat, bat, bad, ban, band, date, net, nature, nation, elite, enter, entire, entirely, end, river, five, fit, fin, fine, air, and, turn, ten, tent, teen, tip, tire, tin, tiny, tend, let, letter, lie, tie, intention, intend, very, via, van, nine, nod, inn, inner, input, native, eye, eat, ever, every, pretend, peer, pen, per, period, piano, pine, pit, pure, put, retain, rent, rule, recent, rely, enemy, tea, team, yet, name, nice, near, need, man, matter, mate, main, maintain, match, mean, meat, chef, chip, chief, chance, chain, cry, creative, create, lens, cinema, curve, center, ice, ear, hear, her, hip, hide, heat, hen, ham, hat, hate, have, fee, feed, sleep, era, idea, pride, pie, try, free, far, rain, red, drip, drive, die, dear, deep, rid, ride, finance, avenue, even, never, run, revenue, fun, bit, bite, cab, cabin, meal, cheap, chair, cream, hair, fault, scream, scene, sir, sin, since, rice, remain, yeah, lap, clue, cap, cut, fresh, she, shame, sea, secure, aim, mine, mainly, male, chin, lean, lane, him, area, fan, tail, nail, tale

1434 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1434 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1434 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1434 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1434 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1434 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Dbhdd, Fc20 , sinba, тютюн, raft+, Lenov, A+o+R, R&, punch, rose , taber, how t, 季語 冬青, Чтобы, offic, best , 美容室Ow, skc, millo, Obr&a

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