WordBrain Minotaur Level - 18

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Minotaur pack Minotaur Level - 18

n t x r e c u d
o i a r e v r e
b l s o e i m d
e i s d u p i i
e r l f a e c u
i r f a t m e l
c n o i t n y r
t c e f f a a r

The answer / solution is Mention, Faculty, Driver, Carrier, Affect, Failure, Duration, Exceed, Impossible

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Hidden words:
not, tin, tail, tax, taxi, tale, receive, receiver, rare, rail, rain, rat, ratio, ever, era, curve, crime, derive, due, drip, drive, oil, isle, into, also, rod, repeat, red, version, reduce, river, beer, bit, lie, lion, lot, soup, sail, sale, silo, sit, sin, six, sir, oar, dice, die, diet, data, date, deer, pie, piece, peer, pet, petal, per, patient, ice, relax, relation, late, fat, fate, fade, flat, eat, clue, iron, for, fit, front, free, tap, tape, tie, teen, tea, team, meet, mental, meat, metal, mate, mad, map, nor, off, once, one, item, nation, rely, recipe, rent, corn, core, coat, coal, fan, any, rarely, depict, pear, far, fraud, fire, ear, earl, cut, cat, rapid, fact, face, fear, act, acid, try, tray, tear, car, carry, cart, art, rose, repair, soul, our, media, else, dress, dose, pair, pure, purse, fair, air, aim, aid, aide, raid, acre, crop, care, deep, old, rope, race, education, super, sure, speed, sacred, opera, operation, mere, poem, pour, plus, blue, soil, sue, pliers, lip, fail, cross, across, deposit, possible, moss

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

binom, Recog, is is, last+, statu, ALUN+, 外構+フェ, ccrm+, FDSR4, swims, 4111+, РУСКИ, ülker, 震洋 歌词, pears, compr, eptp, mathu, serim, drake

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