WordBrain Mandarin Duck Level - 11

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Mandarin Duck pack Mandarin Duck Level - 11

l r e e p s u a
a f t a c a e c
y i s c u i a b
e g a r r m i g
s t n u o m a e
p e e l e m a r
t e r p a r e i
t r e h t e w n

The answer / solution is Amount, Asleep, Regime, Marriage, Capacity, Because, Refusal, Weather, Interpret

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Hidden words:
lay, react, raft, eat, east, era, easter, pair, pace, pause, peas, peasant, peer, pet, past, sue, sauce, sea, space, use, after, area, art, fist, fig, fit, far, free, fee, tap, tape, tea, tree, tray, tie, accurate, act, case, cap, cause, cat, cast, aim, air, eager, escape, cab, yes, yet, scar, sign, sit, site, step, car, carriage, can, cane, image, ice, age, bag, beam, big, gas, gate, get, giant, gift, aunt, rule, ruler, run, role, range, rat, rate, rice, mount, gear, game, steel, star, stage, see, set, senate, teen, ten, taste, net, nest, our, orange, main, meat, meal, mere, ear, earth, per, pen, enter, leather, late, later, lap, let, lung, meet, mate, map, male, arm, rain, rare, remain, test, tent, repeat, relate, rent, rest, part, path, pale, plate, pear, real, rather, her, here, harm, hat, hate, ham, hammer, term, tear, team, the, there, three, tale, talent, train, trainer, wet, wear, wrap, win, wine, wire, new, near, isle, smart, seat, same, sleep, ease, earl, prepare, else, raise, peace, bar, bear, race, pay, city, cite, cube, say, safe, bus, fear, tin

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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ego, wmS&a, .net+, VAZOU, gas+f, lic d, yoga , can i, some , unir , krake, gri, порно, masad, Pcg, gri, krake, some , lic d, -6870

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