WordBrain Kangaroo Level - 8

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Kangaroo pack Kangaroo Level - 8

y i o r n i w t
n a d l t t h d
o e e r e e e p
g h c m r d u e
e s u o e n n a
b u u n e n i e
o s o r t m o r
u s u r e l y n

The answer / solution is Surely, Numerous, Notion, Winter, Bureau, Merely, Doghouse, Throat, Independence

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Hidden words:
idea, order, old, rod, role, road, item, white, wheel, where, with, win, twin, the, thin, there, need, needle, any, aid, aide, day, deer, deny, let, letter, lemon, lord, load, loan, lead, lean, term, tree, tin, teen, title, hit, hint, heel, her, here, hero, depend, dependent, deep, one, element, red, record, read, pen, peer, pet, hunter, humor, head, hen, count, counter, come, court, core, corn, corner, mount, mouse, more, menu, meet, mere, media, mean, much, meter, rent, due, union, under, end, sun, such, sum, sue, sure, she, shoe, shelter, score, scheme, screen, use, ocean, our, enemy, enter, nine, net, and, air, aim, bus, bush, boss, nor, norm, iron, inn, inner, intend, indeed, sort, son, rely, remind, run, rush, trend, ten, tend, melon, minor, mine, miner, mind, none, continue, continued, mention, unit, onto, entire, bone, border, born, not, into, tone, toe, tie, tire, riot, bend, bed, rub, other, oil, nod, leader, lot, tide, hot, hotel, hole, hold, holder, holiday, holy, editor, elite, petrol, home, comedy, code, mode, modern, model, remedy, ready, them, theme, dog, per, sheet, photo, house, tea, heat, eat, death

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

3400+, h475+, donna, Torre, Insec, &, Noipd, what , Do, XHE-J, 3560+, Leen, 夫から妻へ, o rub, Ves, puqui, never, shR, fisca, bubbl

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