WordBrain Hippopotamus Level - 18

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Hippopotamus pack Hippopotamus Level - 18

l a i t i h i i
n w a r d e t w
l t n i i o m q
l y c o t b u u
s c n r y i l p
s e n r p s i s
i e t a d r a i
r e r e m b o d

The answer / solution is Motion, Quietly, Withdraw, Border, Disaster, Remain, Publicly, Initial, Princess

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Hidden words:
law, lawn, air, award, tide, tie, train, trial, hit, hide, item, war, ward, warn, want, wait, art, any, aid, aide, riot, rid, ride, rain, raid, raw, rat, dirt, die, diet, doubt, draw, emotion, editor, edition, the, them, their, third, toe, with, not, nor, none, mode, motor, moth, media, quote, quit, corn, corner, coin, cry, city, once, one, tip, toy, tone, tin, tiny, try, bit, both, bid, bird, scene, see, set, center, net, lip, plum, pub, sir, series, enter, entry, name, rate, rare, part, partner, pan, pant, parent, pit, pity, sad, sail, sit, slip, split, era, tap, tree, trade, tea, team, tear, teen, ten, trader, drip, date, dart, dance, dare, dry, dear, radio, rail, rod, road, arm, armed, rise, rent, read, red, eat, ear, earn, mere, meat, mean, meter, mad, mate, marry, man, map, board, broad, bad, bar, basis, oar, order, title, let, quite, quiet, but, bite, public, put, basic, dispute, twin, win, club, list, listen, past, prince, pet, per, pen, same, star, stare, stream, steam, stern, step, sister, inn, tape, tail, trail, area, aim, easily, easy, east, eastern, mail, mast, master, line, lie, yes, pliers, pie, pine, pain, pair, main, mine, miner, pipe, pile

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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