WordBrain Highland Cow Level - 18

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Highland Cow pack Highland Cow Level - 18

o n h a e b s u
c c s f y r d d
m e l s e l p i
n l e r o r x e
d j r y u o n u
d n e o n t i r
a e p n t e o p
r e g n l g p i

The answer / solution is Explore, Suddenly, Breach, Unless, Confirm, Poetry, Junior, Intend, Doppelganger

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Hidden words:
once, eye, ease, cell, chase, sell, seller, self, see, send, safe, say, ferry, flee, flesh, yes, yeah, refer, rely, die, dry, dress, mess, else, end, less, soon, sorry, seem, essay, lose, loss, pie, pen, prefer, press, protein, error, routine, route, root, rose, role, run, out, our, old, express, rent, rope, you, your, yours, yourself, yell, onto, one, not, note, nor, none, unit, union, dare, depend, deer, deep, dear, need, near, open, opera, net, nut, nurse, nursery, tip, tin, tie, ten, tent, top, toe, tone, tour, too, tool, tune, turn, into, riot, add, and, ear, era, peer, pear, per, pot, pour, toy, pipe, pop, pope, poet, point, print, prior, pit, pine, read, red, gear, gene, leg, let, get, pet, sudden, fly, slide, lens, lot, lie, rule, ruler, rid, ride, only, inn, inner, each, beach, case, cash, sea, fresh, fire, file, face, rise, reach, melon, sir, silo, isle, life, nose, son, lesson, firm, rod, nod, try, port, entry, pity, report, deal, eager, opening, ring, round, anger, age, pond, plan, plane, nine, trip, lean, lane, land, danger, tend, lead, lad, glad, gang

1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

战锤40k, biaya, How+t, xem t, KLA s, Gande, arent, mhris, 640, 紫根牡蛎湯, Zombi, devic, human, 705 C, LAYOU, 9+mil, apex , lawre, 通所リハビ, 2205

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