WordBrain Griffin Level - 15

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Griffin pack Griffin Level - 15

p o r h a f u c
r r t o c f h r
y a c e f o i p
o d t r n f e m
e d t n e e h t
t i s r s i c t
s e n b r n e o
s f e k a e w d

The answer / solution is Effect, Weakness, Afford, Church, Portion, Defense, Brother, Distinct, Temporary

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Hidden words:
port, portray, pot, pray, protect, hot, horror, affect, face, crime, chip, chief, race, rat, rate, toe, ten, trace, trade, tray, try, top, off, offer, coffee, hip, him, act, acre, actor, add, art, cat, car, cart, carry, carrot, crop, cry, coach, for, forth, free, one, pie, prime, phone, pet, odd, odds, oar, date, day, dart, tree, rent, net, fee, effort, die, diet, tie, tin, tide, enter, hen, his, hire, the, their, then, these, them, thin, this, teen, test, sin, sink, sit, site, side, see, seek, set, since, sir, sense, seem, ice, insect, inch, code, cow, chef, cheese, chin, tower, town, nest, branch, break, breed, brief, bake, bar, barn, ban, rice, rich, rise, new, near, need, nice, owe, own, owner, knee, arise, ancient, ear, earn, era, weak, wear, wet, down, deer, road, toy, care, career, card, coin, corn, core, fin, fine, fire, fade, far, hint, yard, yacht, order, iron, pine, print, prior, drip, desire, dentist, desert, dare, red, rod, nor, nod, minor, mine, miner, trend, today, tone, not, end, her, hero, here, there, three, stone, seed, send, senior, other, feed, fence, friend, porch, poor, root, chain, chair, too, troop, can, canoe, cane, hair, aim, air, piano, ethnic, option, rain, ratio, riot, tip, train, trip, airport, import, important, pit, point, senator, pay, map, may, marry, district, inside, birth, others

1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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2008+, vidma, บันกู, 440+n, Thic, wall+, 225+D, AMD d, qs+me, mt+bo, 7433 , faruk, 2025+, henta, dacia, Vaske, elenc, ti le, asd%2, my+wi

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