WordBrain Goose Level - 20

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Goose pack Goose Level - 20

a i r c i o f c
e t e i h r i l
t d h c i s t h
y c n e g n o t
s s u s r r y e
i c a f e r d e
g n t l l c d a
y p i l i k a a

The answer / solution is History, Choice, Criteria, Tendency, Address, Flight, Killing, Refusal, Capacity

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Hidden words:
air, red, rice, rich, chin, irish, ice, oil, fit, first, fist, fish, fishing, for, forth, friend, eat, either, the, these, there, then, their, tea, tire, tired, tie, his, hint, hire, ring, list, death, her, here, herself, hen, cherry, ignore, into, story, store, stir, string, son, song, sorry, sign, sin, sing, singer, sir, shin, shirt, short, sit, this, toy, toe, hit, hot, host, end, gender, not, note, nor, nice, signal, scale, sun, such, sue, safe, salt, sale, sales, use, user, under, sell, self, send, refuse, reign, yet, eye, issue, cat, call, cause, can, case, all, act, assign, any, ferry, flat, fat, fall, fact, fan, fang, fun, fund, french, dead, dad, dry, tip, tin, tiny, tall, tale, latin, launch, lip, left, cry, cell, add, pit, pile, ill, kill, killer, acre, cite, credit, edge, hide, line, ten, tend, tide, degree, detect, die, diet, dice, inch, net, nurse, ensure, enter, green, get, guess, gun, need, tree, sure, set, used, sense, rent, read, assure, asset, fuel, run, deer, dress, drug, less, fire, third, thin, thing, trend, light, sea, due, recall, clause, face, lack, city, fly, cap, pace, place

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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-8050, smu, mewat, googe, cmr c, OBIN, bresa, K-140, helme, Aro, фокус, sNa, previ, PIG, find+, sjr, crumb, draw , ekg, fstre

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