WordBrain Gnome Level - 16

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Gnome pack Gnome Level - 16

p r e s e r v e
d t n e m l a w
a y i t g f e o
c n h o r a n m
m y n t t c n i
e o n o u r n v
n g a i a a r p
g t s n i e e o

The answer / solution is Preserve, Fragment, Wealthy, Autonomy, Dominant, Earnings, Convince, Operating

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Hidden words:
present, reserve, rent, entity, serve, self, see, seem, set, senior, era, raw, ear, earl, day, date, tin, tiny, tie, tree, ten, tent, teen, net, enter, mention, meet, law, lemon, leave, leaf, lean, arm, wave, war, warm, warmth, wear, welfare, any, anyone, item, into, inn, thin, get, gene, fear, few, fan, fact, factor, far, fat, flee, fleet, front, farm, element, earth, eagle, eat, owe, oar, one, can, cannon, cat, nation, nine, hot, hit, hint, organ, onto, rat, act, actor, art, age, agent, ago, near, new, now, mine, meal, mean, meat, month, money, not, none, nor, north, note, tour, turn, tutor, train, training, truth, target, cane, canoe, car, cart, cut, egg, onion, our, out, rare, rain, gain, gas, goat, auto, author, area, rope, peer, per, pear, stage, sin, sing, earn, opera, late, let, lion, wet, wealth, tea, tone, toe, tale, hotel, oil, mental, metal, touch, total, toilet, coin, cotton, chin, child, inch, aim, aid, nod, east, ring, air, earring, concern, once, inner, entire, rating, print, tire

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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best+, айфон, xiomi, amd h, ember, w pal, Rgl, 堕チルトキ, Vox+S, jbl+g, alex+, not a, Rock , hot s, Bruns, a+M+a, 3756+, -5018, videi, pussy

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