WordBrain Giraffe Level - 19

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Giraffe pack Giraffe Level - 19

i t n e m u c f
o y l r a s o d
y h p e l s s o
p l e v c i e i
r e t a n v n h
e a a e i t u d
s e d o m l o e
r r e t i r w c

The answer / solution is Writer, Dominate, Document, Fairly, Counter, Release, Advice, Vessel, Philosophy

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type, toy, near, nearly, era, ease, ear, earl, early, earn, mass, massive, male, mere, merely, meal, food, focus, level, lease, learn, repeat, reply, rely, real, rent, relevant, asleep, also, alive, assume, arm, sale, same, sum, slice, sleep, dose, heat, help, heel, hot, per, peas, pear, pet, peace, peer, please, plenty, else, lie, live, line, sin, silver, since, send, let, lean, leave, lead, leader, ever, eat, van, civil, client, clear, clearly, class, clam, cereal, can, cane, cat, into, ice, isle, end, retain, read, reader, rat, rate, tail, tea, ten, tent, tear, anvil, ancient, aim, nail, net, nine, nice, via, vendor, nut, his, hint, hen, area, tune, toe, time, tie, tin, until, due, see, seed, sea, seat, sad, deer, dear, data, date, dare, detail, oil, mode, mince, mine, meat, mean, meter, low, loud, lot, limit, limited, owl, owe, olive, out, outline, red, riot, row, routine, round, rod, write, wound, cow, count, code, under, core, sir, enter, revenue, rice, rise, virtue, never, hunter, art, arise, even, event, tree, set, service, serve, server, series, seven, role, route, far, fair, yell, air, airline, hope, oar, cell, ill, have, advise, deal, salad, save, lad, lava, less, sell, soil, slip, pool, loop, lip, hip

1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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crawl, all+m, acron, Infan, 7835 , -9355, منو د, ümran, giann, local, Guine, What , 19806, What , COS+鞋, what , st au, 왜날 김범, the r, PANDA

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