WordBrain Giraffe Level - 4

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Giraffe pack Giraffe Level - 4

b e n e o f f v
r i i e t n e n
a a m u r u t u
d d n e n t u e
o e i l d i q i
e y h t a e h c
n r y t i d e b
e r o i v t c a

The answer / solution is Venture, Uniform, Activity, Border, Healthy, Benefit, Indeed, Equation, Audience

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brain, brand, era, net, off, often, one, rain, tree, trend, turn, tune, teen, ten, tone, toe, nut, not, note, enter, add, admire, aim, air, and, menu, media, medal, mere, mad, man, main, mine, miner, meet, under, unique, unit, unity, run, remain, rent, red, tent, deer, dad, dare, die, name, end, tie, tide, tin, odd, eye, lad, lie, line, dead, death, deal, dealer, demand, idea, ideal, quiet, quit, ice, yield, hit, hide, hen, tale, talent, thin, the, they, then, three, aid, aide, attorney, editor, eat, head, heat, headline, health, hint, chin, need, title, toy, bed, behind, bet, vital, via, tea, cab, act, fin, fit, for, form, forum, firm, fire, inform, arm, armed, mean, tire, time, near, ear, earn, lean, learn, lead, dear, dart, trade, trader, train, art, earth, her, hero, here, hear, heart, rat, raid, read, reader, real, beer, breed, order, nine, nod, auto, into, dice

1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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citri, south, denis, dicti, git-s, 1564 , cathy, 4901 , g274q, 119 E, p287c, carin, コメツキム, stack, все+и, reviv, weigh, snidr, PIONE, 2200+

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