WordBrain Ghost Level - 19

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Ghost pack Ghost Level - 19

s s e n t e n c
e e i t n c o s
e i u n e n r t
r p r o i e d m
f u t u r e u r
n o i t c u s i
t r n d e r i e
v o r g a n i c

The answer / solution is Sentence, Organic, Continue, Senior, Stripe, Derive, Murder, Future, Instruction

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Hidden words:
see, set, sit, site, sin, net, nine, ten, tent, tennis, nor, norm, not, none, cost, corn, corner, core, connect, intend, inn, tend, teen, tin, tie, tune, turn, need, order, one, once, onion, street, storm, store, stone, sort, son, score, iron, unit, notion, nut, end, red, tree, trend, tone, toe, run, put, pure, pie, per, route, routine, our, out, output, due, deer, desire, music, mud, fun, for, four, fruit, free, tide, trip, tour, riot, use, user, used, rise, onto, idea, tea, tear, tutor, credit, creditor, cut, sir, sure, sue, sum, seed, secure, secret, section, ring, rid, ride, dear, dare, dirt, era, ear, earn, editor, rice, read, reading, recruit, return, radio, ice, organ, gear, get, age, arise, nice, near, circuit, inner, into, rent, prior, virus, send, stern, nest, rest, term, dress, strip, peer, deep, drip, die, cup, dust, destruction, must, trust, structure, insect, fit

1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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weigh, snidr, PIONE, 2200+, 2002 , cta s, xampp, subti, best , 10+ri, AMS+r, 881 s, (sele, %25E4, 12332, kings, takut, 400+d, cydia, sanga

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