WordBrain Genie Level - 13

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Genie pack Genie Level - 13

c r e h c o b m
c k o c t u a p
c a p k s n d o
r e h t e i u c
n r o r b h w a
y y t u e l l n
r t i a a s i n
m e n z i g a m

The answer / solution is Whether, Magazine, Butcher, Compound, Return, Backpack, Ministry, Occasionally

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Hidden words:
crop, rock, rocket, rope, her, hero, hope, count, cousin, cut, check, out, other, bad, ban, band, both, bother, but, bus, map, mad, man, cap, cake, car, care, carrot, carry, opera, open, oak, oar, cop, cope, core, cork, tune, the, touch, use, user, aunt, author, auto, about, abuse, and, pound, pause, pan, pant, crack, certain, acre, accept, pace, pack, pocket, per, peak, pear, pen, snap, set, send, sin, scope, score, store, story, sun, such, nut, net, nest, dust, die, diet, disk, disc, race, error, era, ear, earn, hot, hour, hear, hen, test, ten, tend, tent, treat, treaty, trouble, trend, threat, theory, then, tour, toe, toy, end, into, can, call, near, neck, routine, our, rub, real, rebel, rest, restore, rent, bell, beauty, beat, bean, behind, brother, bet, best, bend, butter, bind, bid, hint, his, history, here, hell, heat, wall, where, whereas, when, win, wind, wine, wise, all, you, your, tube, tin, tie, try, eat, lean, law, lawn, term, item, again, sail, sale, sell, sea, seat, inn, isle, ill, nail, entity, entry, nature, gain, gas, giant, aim, main, mail, mill, mile, pour, sir, studio, double, urban, cab, cabin, cable, roll, role, run, risk, rid, ball, bureau, able, turn, lab, silo, route, let, late, later, tall, tale, tell, tea, smile, camp, son, ask, pick, ski, sick, back, black, brick, air, lack, aerial, bolt, tray, list, lot, lots, last, lay, rat, art, say, salt, star, stay, occasion, ally

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

el+au, House, aaron, 1953 , famou, hvci+, 참스승+意, nguyễ, 神戸ベル , racum, Vodaf, calic, rx590, 1+608, wie+2, m2+ss, κουτα, 리니지m , reloj, aiy+o

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