WordBrain Gecko Level - 11

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Gecko pack Gecko Level - 11

p e e a r e l s
t u r p o e l o
o a l c f c a l
e w l t o g t d
e h r e f h u t
w s i n s a o m
n o d t l n a e
e l p i r u m t

The answer / solution is Multiple, Transfer, Although, Tennis, Meadow, Collect, Operate, Follow, Persuade

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Hidden words:
peer, per, pet, petal, pure, pull, put, era, ear, earl, area, rope, recall, real, read, react, rare, elect, load, lead, left, toe, tour, tall, tale, talent, raw, rat, rate, pear, plate, often, opera, oar, eat, lad, old, owl, owe, our, out, all, alter, auto, law, late, later, clue, cop, cope, core, for, fee, feel, call, cat, cell, act, actual, also, ago, wear, wall, water, war, lens, let, ten, tent, tend, test, tell, trend, tug, than, hint, hit, his, hire, heat, hear, rent, rest, relate, rid, rise, end, fan, fast, human, home, hot, hotel, tough, sin, sit, sir, soldier, son, shin, shine, shirt, she, see, snow, nest, net, safe, salt, slip, send, set, sell, stir, strip, shut, shoe, shout, shot, after, ought, meat, mean, mouth, mud, mate, man, nod, nose, now, noise, one, own, dirt, dose, down, dish, die, diet, tip, trip, tin, tire, tie, lip, last, laugh, name, not, lose, low, pit, pole, pose, point, run, tea, team, hand, inn, inner, sand, sad, and, none, nine, art, earn, tear, wealth, the, then, thin, this, though, thought, hen, hell, too, mode, mood, moon, roll, role, soft, row, route, poll, pale, pour, lap, code, collar, coal, flee, dead, demand, mad, date, arrow, rural, solar, separate, operator, allow, fold, world, lot, doll, dollar, sure, full

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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C typ, intra, NOE, 2-4 F, iloil, 下一層分類, 麻豆 艾, Tts&#, prett, bolva, Live , バルバレス, combi, ipowe, Flags, qual , 風擎步道, g em , if th, best+

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