WordBrain Fox Level - 12

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Fox pack Fox Level - 12

t d w r r e c
l o c e e a k
a r j c o r n
c l h c e c a
r m k t t w o
u a o s o i l
c t d u c k b

The answer / solution is Duck, Corn, Witch, Cereal, World, Oar, Cat, Block, Jacket, Customer

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Hidden words:
tower, rare, rank, race, ear, earn, era, cake, car, care, career, can, lot, low, lower, old, owe, cold, coal, cow, crow, crowd, crew, almost, rod, row, core, cork, ocean, oak, raw, rock, crack, acre, act, area, rat, mad, most, moth, throw, two, wet, war, warn, owl, oil, auto, arm, soil, sock, stock, stern, stereo, stick, loan, cut, dust, custom, cost, cite, kit, kite, blow, bit, bite, wear, react, reach, each, jar, tea, tear, teach, real, rate, clear, clerk, let, lack, coat, cool, cook, meal, mere, too, tool, scooter, some, smoke, steal, star, stare, lots, lost, locate, local, lock, look, come, bolt, boot, work, worker, earl, take, eat, must, sum, book

1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1450 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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lego , If+my, is th, cual , uber , çapra, Shani, bbc a, Sumt, José+, 플루언트랩, 6307 , dxdll, detec, clean, Wik&a, 3928 , PAGIN, perve, 23428

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