WordBrain Fennec Fox Level - 2

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Fennec Fox pack Fennec Fox Level - 2

y t i n p t p o
e l u p i r r p
o r e r v e t l
l e p o i c u u
y r c e e r s m
t u o l a f u h
e s m r e m e n
r e t h g u a d

The answer / solution is Daughter, Properly, Receiver, Multiple, Numerous, Surface, Helmet, Opportunity

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Hidden words:
yet, tin, tip, input, nut, pie, piece, pipe, pit, trip, tire, tie, pop, port, let, lip, unit, unity, proper, property, prove, price, pure, put, pity, pile, per, peer, river, plum, plus, rely, receive, recover, role, rule, ruler, run, elite, rope, rice, virus, virtue, voice, pear, perceive, over, ice, cut, cream, route, rose, come, core, court, cost, clam, clear, close, closer, closure, cry, cop, cope, cover, elect, ear, earl, earth, era, rush, real, refer, receipt, rare, sue, sun, sure, sum, she, scream, test, trust, trustee, try, tree, use, user, out, our, large, leg, leaf, lose, lost, almost, argue, arm, art, fun, fund, female, far, farm, farmer, free, frame, fear, fee, feel, human, hen, head, set, see, stream, seem, surely, style, solar, some, sort, source, more, moral, mouse, most, must, mere, meet, menu, mean, mad, man, meal, male, end, name, rest, resort, resource, the, them, theme, her, hero, hear, heart, gear, grocery, and, lie, ever, ten, net, tune, line, riot, tour, car, care, race, face, pour, react, act, fact

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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