WordBrain Emu Level - 20

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Emu pack Emu Level - 20

r e t h g u a d
e d i s p x e t
l u e s h c s a
c e o o t i r e
d u e e s f i m
e r t h h s r a
s t a n t r w r
g s g i n e a o

The answer / solution is Daughter, Search, Earnings, Secure, Explode, Growth, Starfish, Estimate, Outside

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Hidden words:
red, reduce, this, tie, tide, his, hide, hit, guest, data, date, desire, dear, dish, die, diet, due, deer, shift, shot, shoe, side, sit, site, steel, see, seed, ease, east, eat, ear, tea, tear, tax, stir, sister, soul, south, hire, hot, host, cite, create, crime, choose, sea, seat, set, sir, star, stare, arm, arise, curtain, cut, clue, our, out, tire, toe, toss, too, those, irish, ice, resist, rest, rich, rice, rise, rat, rate, era, drag, dress, ethics, she, sheet, share, first, firm, fire, fish, fist, frame, fit, miss, merit, meat, estate, rain, retain, the, thesis, there, than, that, taste, train, trainer, tree, test, heel, her, here, hang, hat, hate, hard, swear, straw, stern, raw, arrow, aim, air, aware, state, start, strain, street, stereo, truth, art, assert, asset, nine, nature, ten, tin, rent, war, warn, warning, wear, wet, warm, row, rare, giant, gain, gate, gather, gas, inn, inner, interest, near, net, new, news, earth, earn, oar, owe, dispute, isle, plot, put, loose, loss, lose, lot, lots, less, certain, tool, soft, soup, fool, foot, these, riot, write, wait, two, grow, fee, feed, feel, food, theft, raise, dust, sue, use, tissue, issue, stair, stairs, steam, time, team, item, mate

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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