WordBrain Emu Level - 14

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Emu pack Emu Level - 14

e t u s l e c a
s r l s h e a s
e u u e e i u m
c t d c t b d a
p r e o r o r c
s l l e b i i s
u u u m t s x r
u g n i t a e e

The answer / solution is Existing, Stimulus, Auditor, Schedule, Embrace, Bureau, Lecture, Process, Salute

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Hidden words:
use, used, she, sheet, shelter, sure, else, secret, secure, set, sue, rule, rush, result, rest, let, less, see, sector, seed, heel, hit, audit, aid, sum, suit, user, mad, mud, cut, culture, tree, tell, turtle, test, deer, doctor, doll, due, dust, core, code, column, crisis, cell, tribe, toe, tie, bid, bit, bite, bet, breed, bus, drama, die, diet, arise, plus, plum, red, reduce, robot, rod, rise, riot, role, roll, car, card, sun, lung, lot, elect, bird, bell, beer, item, six, sir, sister, scar, unit, meet, merit, tax, taxi, tin, time, timber, tire, sea, seat, steel, stir, sit, site, state, gun, number, taste, eat, east, easter, exist, estate, crime, cite, sell, seller, bullet, stream, star, stare, steam, mate, tea, team, tear, rat, rate, ratio, art, ear, era, dare, acre, race, care, lord, ruler, rub, case, cheese, shell, shut, seem, hear, hell, ease, each, scheme, earl, crab, bar, beam, bear, bed, cab, lease, mere, measure, tube, cube, but, abuse, blue

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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重りと浮き, IGU, 一起瘋手機, 伏見稲荷大, www.f, alche, edge , Llv, Psn&a, esim , Omh, Csm&a, metro, dutch, 雪降る夜の, Oknet, UnlS, รวม p, zlati, diema

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