WordBrain Dwarf Level - 17

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Dwarf pack Dwarf Level - 17

s a e t w r f o
r e h o s m l c
e e s v e m i s
l a m n u p r e
c i s l i p r f
e e l p t r p e
c n i i d t s l
e g n a a n l a

The answer / solution is Multiple, Vessel, Slippers, Prefer, Cinema, Standing, Whereas, Comfort, Alliance

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Hidden words:
see, seem, sea, area, ease, ear, two, toe, tea, tear, those, the, these, there, them, release, real, era, host, hot, how, heel, her, here, hear, oven, other, others, sense, menu, lie, lip, smile, shoe, shot, show, she, sheet, share, same, sail, sale, vote, empire, sir, silo, slip, lease, aim, mail, male, meal, mere, mile, mill, nest, upper, unit, prime, pupil, pull, pen, pit, pine, pie, refer, rise, ceiling, cell, clam, claim, clash, camera, case, cash, isle, ill, ice, slice, spin, split, silence, sales, sell, line, invest, pipe, pump, rest, pile, plum, piece, pig, trip, tip, tin, per, inn, dining, drip, drill, tail, salt, strip, stripe, stand, spell, snail, last, gene, nail, nine, aid, and, all, toss, over, series, self, mess, less, lens, shovel, verse, else, mine, miner, main, mass, priest, premise, press, relief, class, inspire, set, sin, pet, red, retain, date, die, diet, step, aide, alter, who, whom, where, row, from, home, moth, mother, remote, art, earth, throw, tree, wet, for, form, former, owe, come, free, fee, call, can, cane, lane

1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1452 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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mad+m, [Suzu, юрий+, 松田龍平+, 8452+, can a, Part%, twent, chern, lawye, fps+b, are+p, Nno o, windi, photo, easy+, 14302, G-Jum, kidun, handy

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