WordBrain Duck Level - 12

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Duck pack Duck Level - 12

r f e r g c r r
a e e i a n n u
l u e m e n h w
k l f l l r o o
y r p t h b a s
l s y k i r t p
a l r n e t e p
o v a w d o c e

The answer / solution is Doctrine, Career, Weekly, Approval, Running, Stable, Helpful, Shortly, Framework

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Hidden words:
real, really, refer, fee, feel, fear, free, fall, far, era, reign, game, can, cane, car, care, camera, run, all, ally, ear, aim, air, agree, name, near, leaf, mean, mere, man, manner, elbow, nor, now, host, how, who, left, flee, fly, fuel, full, fully, lean, rooster, row, rat, rate, rare, oar, one, own, thin, think, three, throat, throw, tire, tired, tie, tin, tiny, hire, hit, bat, bar, barn, brown, bit, bite, bike, bind, boat, born, bone, aspect, attend, able, area, art, soon, soap, son, step, stereo, strike, star, stare, start, lava, salary, kit, kite, kind, red, tree, trend, tap, tape, table, past, part, pet, per, law, lawn, lane, land, raw, rank, net, new, end, toe, ten, tend, title, peer, oval, vary, van, and, any, war, warn, wall, wander, wet, deny, code, oak, play, bake, appear, appeal, sake, steal, stake, straw, last, lay, salt, say, keep, tea, tear, take, try, pear, earl, early, vast, week, walk, wear, fin, fine, fig, inn, inner, nine, mine, miner, minor, boss, few, her, hero, hell, hear, owe, arm, hot, help, worth, plum, too, tower, short, shore, shoe, shot, show, shower, shoot, sort, frame, moth, worry, room, home, some, sorry, work

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

qad, cmn, Insta, R, Arh, MUSIC, HUAWE, Clase, 3bb b, seppo, разде, BtH, плани, Rtte, مناطق, roblo, kozhi, dodi , elc?l, 距離計 レ

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